Million Coin Fundamental Analysis!
By reading the article “Million Cryptocurrency Fundamental Analysis” which is published in Adaas Investment Magazine, you will get acquainted with MM Token and its usages in general. This level of familiarity can be enough for you to invest in the cryptocurrency market.
Table of Contents
Million cryptocurrency introduction
Million cryptocurrency has introduced itself as a decentralized cryptocurrency for millionaires with a limited supply of 1,000,000 on its official website. They claim that the token was founded by TechLead, who is a famous YouTuber.
At a more specialized level, Million is a token whose price is never less than one USDC, but its price increase has no limits.
Million cryptocurrency roadmap
Million Cryptocurrency has developed its roadmap in 3 phases and with different goals. The first phase, known as the Cub Phase, includes operations to build a community of million token holders, integrate with the Binance smart chain network, list in and Lbank exchanges, and partner with AnySwap exchanges.
The next phase called the Pride Phase, targets smart contract verification and auditing operations, collaboration with influencers, listing at more exchanges, collaborating with NFT token industry artists, and launching on the Polygon Network.
Eventually in the final phase, called the Mane Phase, big goals such as being able to trade in all networks and blockchains, working with celebrities, becoming more valuable than gold and getting into the decentralized finance industry, and working with the brand “Global Fortune 500” are marked.
What makes Million cryptocurrency unique?
One of the most important things about Million cryptocurrency is that it does not fall into the category of meme coins and at the same time does not fall into the category of valuable cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum.
Million cryptocurrency is introduced by its founders as an opportunity and a social experiment. Critics of the token have described the cryptocurrency as a scam because of the large number of followers of the founders and unrealistic advertising.
Another claim of the token founders is their $1 million financings for this token, which makes its value never less than $1.
Million cryptocurrency network security
The Million Token Smart Contract was first developed under the ERC-20 standard of the Ethereum network, then is currently being implemented under the BEP-20 standard in the Binance smart chain. The Million smart contract has also been audited under the Certik standard.
Execution of this cryptocurrency smart contract in Ethereum and Binance blockchains greatly ensures security for users. The method of confirming transactions and registering a new block is different in the two blockchains, but this will not affect the security of the networks, and the million cryptocurrency is as secure for users as the ETH or BNB token.
Founder of Million cryptocurrency
As you read at the beginning of this analysis, Million cryptocurrency is founded by a YouTuber named Patrick Shyu. Patrick is a software developer and programmer whose resume includes a job as a software engineer at Google and Facebook.
Patrick Shyu also introduces himself as a millionaire. He lost his job on Facebook because of running a YouTube channel, and he claims on the same channel that he earns up to $1 million or more.
Limited and specified supply
The Million cryptocurrency has limited its tokens to 1,000,000. This cryptocurrency has also included in its smart contract a function of not producing and increasing the supply of its tokens, which creates a negative inflation property in it and can be a reason for increasing the price of this cryptocurrency.
Financial exchanges or value storage?
Cryptocurrencies such as the USDT are often used for financial exchanges between users. Million cryptocurrency introduces the use of this currency to store value.
This MM token indicates the limited supply as a reason for the increase in the price of this currency. But at the same time, due to the possibility of sending this currency up to 18 decimal places, it is also suitable for microtransactions. Of course, it must be considered in which network this currency is transferred and what is the fee for that transfer!
Earn NFT from Million cryptocurrency
This cryptocurrency offers its users to earn an NFT token, which has a maximum of 100 copies, for free by holding 1000 MM tokens for 10 days.
The current price (Sunday, August 22, 2021) of this NFT token is $2,482 and 69 people have owned it!
How to purchase Million cryptocurrency
As you have read, Million cryptocurrency is currently available (August 2021) in Ethereum and Binance blockchains. To buy this cryptocurrency, users can use the following exchanges:
- UniSwap (V3)
- PancakeSwap (V2)
- LBank
Users can also visit the profile of this cryptocurrency on the CoinMarketCap website to see the latest updates of exchanges that support Million cryptocurrency.
Million cryptocurrency social media
To follow news related to MM token or to contact the developers of this cryptocurrency, you can follow their profiles on the following social media.
The end words
At Adaas Capital, we hope that by reading this article you will be fully immersed in Million Cryptocurrency Fundamental Analysis. You can help us improve by sharing This article which is published in Adaas Investment Magazine and help optimize this article by submitting your comments.
- Million Official Site
- Million Official Social Media
- Nomics exchange
Million cryptocurrency has introduced itself as a decentralized cryptocurrency for millionaires with a limited supply of 1,000,000 on its official website.
Another claim of the token founders is their $1 million financings for this token, which makes its value never less than $1.
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