How To Fix Price Impact Too High PancakeSwap Error?
By reading the article “How to Solve Price Impact Too High Error” published in Adaas Investment Magazine, you will get acquainted with Price Impact Too High Error and its solutions in general.
Table of Contents
Price Impact Too High error solutions
Price Impact Too High is an error that some decentralized exchange users, especially the PancakeSwap decentralized exchange, encounter during some transactions, which is an obstacle for their transactions.
There are various solutions to the error of Price Impact Too High in decentralized exchanges, and in the following, we have explained to you the best methods to solve this problem.
Solve the problem of Price Impact Too High
As you have read, there are 3 solutions to this error that Adaas Investment Magazine has provided for you.
Exchange version change
One of the most successful methods to fix this error is to use other versions of exchanges. You may ask, how many versions does a decentralized exchange have?
For example, the PancakeSwap decentralized exchange is offered in version V1 (old version) and new version V2. To change the versions in the Swap section, a little lower than the main section, these options can be seen and used.
Reduce the amount of purchases and break down transactions
Sometimes some cryptocurrencies can be bought in very small amounts of dollars because of their very low price. To solve this problem, we can reduce the number of assets we intend to trade and buy or sell the desired amount in a few transactions.
Price slippage tolerance increase
To trade cryptocurrencies in decentralized exchanges such as PancakeSwap, when faced with Price Impact Too High error, changing the price slippage to complete the transaction can be the solution.
Sometimes, due to excessive price fluctuations and the lengthy process of registering a buy or sell transaction in decentralized exchanges, an increase in price slippage helps to complete the transaction.
To do this, according to the image below, we click on the gear symbol in PancakeSwap DEX, then we try to change the price slippage tolerance and confirm it.
Other basis solutions
Other solutions, such as using high-speed Internet, using another mobile phone or another laptop, and even changing browsers application can sometimes solve the problem of Price Impact Too High. You can also share the solutions you have experienced in the comments section so that users can access their answers faster.
Also, the practical information that has been published for you below will make you more aware of the nature of this error.
What is price impact?
The Price Impact mechanism causes the purchase or sale price of an asset in a decentralized exchange to be inversely related to its value.
For example, if a person wants to buy a token which has $1 price, the exchange will consider the price of $1, but if they want to buy 20% of the supply of liquidity for that token, the exchange with the Price Impact mechanism will raise the price much higher. Hence there is no economic justification for the whale to do this transaction and abandons its transaction.
The same mechanism applies to the sale of tokens, and the selling price of 1 token is different from 1000 tokens and it depends on the amount of token supply and the supply of pools providing liquidity to the exchanges.
In short, the Price Impact mechanism is created to deal with the behavior of whales in buying or selling large quantities of tokens and changes the price according to the order quantity.
The end words
At Adaas Capital, we hope that by reading this article you will be fully immersed in Price Impact Too High error in the pancakeswap and its solutions. You can help us improve by sharing this article which is published in Adaas Investment Magazine and help optimize this article by submitting your comments.
In short, the Price Impact mechanism is created to deal with the behavior of whales in buying or selling large quantities of tokens and changes the price according to the order quantity.
There are various solutions to the error of Price Impact Too High in decentralized exchanges, and in this article, we have explained to you the best methods to solve this problem.
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