How To Add Shiba Inu To Metamask?

Seamlessly Integrate SHIB into Your MetaMask Wallet and Explore the World of Decentralized Finance

By reading the article “Importing Shiba Inu to MetaMask Guide” published in Adaas Investment Magazine, you will be fully familiar with the easiest methods to add and manage the Shiba Inu Token known as SHIB to your Metamask wallet! This level of familiarity can be enough when you need educational information about this topic.

Cryptocurrencies have taken the financial world by storm, and one token that has captured the attention of many investors is Shiba Inu (SHIB). As an emerging meme token, SHIB has gained immense popularity due to its charismatic community and potential for growth. If you’re interested in diversifying your crypto portfolio and exploring the exciting world of SHIB, adding it to your MetaMask Wallet is an essential step.

Why is adding SHIBA Inu to your MetaMask Wallet?

1- Secure Storage: MetaMask Wallet provides a secure and convenient way to store your SHIB tokens. By adding SHIB to your wallet, you gain control over your assets and eliminate the need to rely on exchanges or third-party custodial services.

2- Access to DeFi Ecosystem: MetaMask Wallet serves as a gateway to the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem. By adding SHIB to your wallet, you can seamlessly connect with various DeFi platforms, participate in liquidity pools, stake tokens, and explore other exciting opportunities.

3- Investment Flexibility: Adding SHIB to your MetaMask Wallet allows you to take advantage of price movements and market opportunities. You can easily track the value of your SHIB holdings, make informed decisions, and take immediate actions, whether it’s buying, selling, or interacting with DApps.

Now that we understand the significance of adding SHIBA Inu to your MetaMask Wallet, let’s dive into the step-by-step guide that will help you seamlessly integrate SHIB into your wallet. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced crypto enthusiast, this guide will walk you through the process, ensuring you don’t miss out on the exciting opportunities that SHIB presents.

How To Add SHiba Inu To Metamask - thumbnail

Step-by-step Guide on Adding Shiba Inu to MetaMask

In this guide, we have provided you with two methods to import the SHIB token to your Metamask wallet. The first method is the easiest and safest way to do this process and we suggest it to beginners to prevent any mistakes in the process of adding tokens to the Metamask wallet.

1- Add Shiba Inu To Metamask (Ethereum Network):

If you’re looking to effortlessly add a token to your MetaMask wallet, we’ve got you covered. Follow these straightforward steps to import any compatible token into your MetaMask wallet with ease:

Step 1: Install and Activate MetaMask Wallet

Start by installing the MetaMask wallet extension in your browser. Once installed, activate the wallet by following the setup instructions provided. Creating a new wallet or importing an existing one is a breeze with MetaMask.

Don’t Worry! In the following sections, we have placed a comprehensive step-by-step guide to installing the Metamask Wallet extension for your browser.

Step 2: Add the Host Network

To ensure seamless compatibility, you need to add the appropriate network to your MetaMask wallet. For example, if you’re adding a BEP20-based token, such as BUSD, you’ll need to add the Binance Smart Chain network to MetaMask. This network addition is essential for successful token integration. By default, the Ethereum Network has been added to your Metamask wallet and you do not need to add it again.

We’ve Got You! If you do not know how to add a new network to your Metamask wallet, we have published a comprehensive guide to adding the Arbitrum network to Metamask for a practical example.


Step 3: Search for Your Desired Token

Head over to, the popular cryptocurrency information platform, and search for the token you want to add. In this guide, we’ll use SHIB as our example.

Step 4: Access the Token’s Contract Details

Once you’re on Shiba Inu’s profile, scroll down on the left side until you reach the “Contracts” section. Here’s where the magic happens!

Step 5: Click on the MetaMask Logo

In front of the Ethereum blockchain listed, you’ll see three options. Look for the one that features the MetaMask logo and click on it. This action will initiate the token import process to your MetaMask wallet.

Step 6: Confirm the Token Addition

MetaMask will display an alert, confirming your intention to add the token to your wallet. To finalize the process, simply click on the “Add Token” button, and voila!

Shiba inu profile on coinmarketcap

shiba inu profile on coinmarketcap - add to metamask ethereum network

metamask asks to add shiba inu token

shib token added successfully to metamask

Congratulations! You have successfully added the SHIB token to your MetaMask wallet. You can now manage and track your Shiba Inu holdings alongside your other digital assets. Enjoy the convenience and flexibility that MetaMask provides for your crypto journey.

Remember, this process can be applied to other compatible tokens as well. So feel free to explore and diversify your wallet with different tokens using the same hassle-free method.

2- A method for experts (Ethereum Network):

Adding SHIB to your MetaMask wallet is a straightforward process that allows you to manage this Meme coin alongside your other digital assets. Follow these simple steps to seamlessly integrate SHIB into your MetaMask wallet:

Step 1: Open Metamask and Navigate to the Tokens Tab

Open the extension or app and navigate to the main dashboard. Look for the “Tokens” tab, usually located at the bottom of the screen. Click or tap on the “Tokens” tab to proceed.

Step 2: Add a Custom Token

In the Tokens tab, you’ll see a list of tokens that are already supported by MetaMask. To add SHIB, we need to input its contract details. Locate and click on the “Import Token” button. This will open a form where you can enter the contract details.

Step 3: Input SHIB Contract Address

To add Shiba Inu as a custom token, you’ll need to input its contract address. For example, the contract address for SHIB on the Ethereum blockchain is [Click Here]. Copy and paste this address into the relevant field in the form. MetaMask should automatically fill in the token symbol (SHIB) and decimal places (18).

Step 4: Confirm and Complete the Process

After inputting the SHIB contract address, double-check that all the details are accurate. Click or tap on the “Add Custom Token” button to confirm and complete the process. MetaMask will ask for your confirmation to add the SHIB token to your wallet. Approve the request, and within a few moments, Shiba Inu will be successfully added to your MetaMask wallet.

metamask ethereum network import custom tokens

import shiba inu smart contract metamask wallet

approve adding shiba inu token to metamask

Ethereum based shiba inu token imported successfully

Congratulations! You have now added SHIB to your MetaMask wallet, allowing you to view and manage your SHIB holdings alongside your other cryptocurrencies.

Remember to always verify the accuracy of the contract address and details when adding custom tokens to your MetaMask wallet. In case of any updates or changes to the contract, refer to official sources or the SHIB issuer’s website for the most up-to-date information.

How to add a Shiba Inu to MetaMask Binance smart chain BEP20?

In the previous section you have learned the methods that work for the Ethereum Network, but how can we add the SHIB token under Binance Smart Chain (BSC) network in Metamask? To do this follow the steps below:

Step 1: Open Metamask and Switch Network

When you opened the Metamask wallet, first you need to switch the network to Binance Smart Chain Mainnet! You need to add this network to your wallet if you do not have this network. We have provided a complete guide for you to do this!

Add BSC to Metamask

Step 2: Add a Custom Token

In the Tokens tab, you’ll see a list of tokens that are already supported by MetaMask. To add SHIB, we need to input its contract details. Locate and click on the “Import Token” button. This will open a form where you can enter the contract details.

switch network to binance smart chain in metamask

import tokens binance smart chain network in metamask wallet

Step 3: Input SHIB Contract Address

To add Shiba Inu as a custom token, you’ll need to input its contract address. The contract address for SHIB on the BSC BEP20 blockchain is [Click Here]. Copy and paste this address into the relevant field in the form. MetaMask should automatically fill in the token symbol (SHIB) and decimal places (18).

You also can search for the Shiba Inu token in the Binance Smart Chain Explorer to find its contract address. When you search you will see two Shiba inu tokens. One of them is Binance-Peg and the other one is Wormhole. To understand their differences use the article below, we have selected the Binance-Peg option in this guide but you need to do your own research to choose the suitable option.

What is Wormhole? >

What Are Binance-Peg Tokens? >

Step 4: Confirm and Complete the Process

After inputting the SHIB contract address, double-check that all the details are accurate. Click or tap on the “Add Custom Token” button to confirm and complete the process. MetaMask will ask for your confirmation to add the SHIB token to your wallet. Approve the request, and within a few moments, Shiba Inu will be successfully added to your MetaMask wallet.

Search for shiba inu token in bsc scan

copy shiba inu contract address in bsc scan website

import shiba inu token bep20 contract address in metamask

approve adding shiba inu bep20 token to metamask

Congratulations! You have now added SHIB to your MetaMask wallet under the Binance Smart Chain Network, allowing you to view and manage your SHIB holdings alongside your other cryptocurrencies.

How To Install and Set Up MetaMask?

If you haven’t already, start by installing the MetaMask browser extension or mobile app. Visit the official MetaMask website and follow the instructions for your preferred browser or mobile platform. Create a new wallet or import an existing one by securely entering your seed phrase.

To install the Metamask wallet for desktop or mobile devices, the best way is to visit the official website at and You can also Google the name of this wallet and finally enter the Metamask wallet official website. On the main page of this website, the Download Now button will take you to a page from which you can download the software version suitable for your mobile or computer.

metamask google

On the Download page, your device’s operating system will be automatically detected and the download option will be displayed. Of course, if needed, you can also download and use the versions of other operating systems.

Metamask Wallet is developed and can be installed for Android, iOS and Chrome, Firefox, Brave, and Edge browsers.

For example, in this tutorial, we will install this wallet for the Chrome browser. After clicking on the “Install MetaMask for Chrome” option, we will be redirected to the official installation page of this extension.

Then on this page, we click on the “Add to Chrome” button and it asks us for permission to install it, and to do this, we click on the Add Extension button, and finally, the message that the MetaMask extension is successfully installed will be displayed to us.

metamask download page

metamask add to chrome

By clicking on the Metamask logo in the Chrome browser extensions section, we will enter a page that starts the setup process by clicking on the “Get Started” button. On the new page, you will be asked to select:

  • Left option: Import an existing wallet by its recovery phrase.
  • Right option: Create a new wallet for you.

In this tutorial, we want to create a new wallet for ourselves, so we select the right option, Create a Wallet.

metamask get started

metamask new wallet

The new page asks you for access to grab information such as pages visited in the software by users (Page Views) to collect and analyze them, and to apply optimizations to improve the user experience. Also, you can select the “No Thanks” option if you do not want to allow it.

Next, you need to enter a strong password to log in to the Metamask wallet and re-enter it in the second field to confirm it, and finally check the Term of use option and at the end click the Create button.

Help improve MetaMask

metamask create password

A tutorial has been prepared for you to provide more security for the Metamask wallet, which you can view if you wish so that you can learn valuable tips for free therefore you can keep your wallet safe and secure from possible attacks by hackers or thieves.

After viewing the tutorial, you will enter a very important page that displays the wallet recovery phrase for you. Keep these recovery words in a safe place so you can use them to recover your wallet if needed.

Note that access to wallet recovery phrase is equivalent to access to all digital assets stored in that wallet, so it is best to be diligent in keeping it secure!

After noting the recovery phrase, click the Next button to be redirected to the page where you want to enter them. On this page, you have to enter the 12 recovery words that you wrote down in the previous step and finally click the Confirm button.

metamask secure wallet tutorial

metamask Secret Recovery Phrase

enter the recovery phrase metamask

If you have done all the steps correctly, you will be presented with a congratulations page, which means your wallet is made by Metamask software. After clicking on the All Done button, you will be directed to the Metamask wallet software environment.

This page displays information such as the type of blockchain, the amount of assets stored, past activities, the public address of the wallet, the button to add tokens, and other features.

Note that the steps we went through are the same for installing and launching Metamask wallet on other operating systems such as Android or iOS, and you can use this tutorial to install Metamask wallet on mobile as well.

metmask Congratulations

metamask app home

Common Issues and Solutions

While adding Shiba Inu (SHIB) to your MetaMask Wallet is a straightforward process, you may encounter some common issues along the way. Here are a few potential problems and their solutions to help you navigate the process smoothly:

1- Gas Fees Too High:

Issue: When making transactions on the Ethereum network, you may encounter high gas fees, especially during periods of network congestion. High gas fees can significantly impact the cost of adding SHIB to your wallet.

Solution: To mitigate high gas fees, you can adjust the gas price in your MetaMask Wallet. Lowering the gas price may result in slower transaction confirmation times, so finding the right balance is essential. You can monitor the current gas prices and estimate the fees using websites like GasNow or Eth Gas Station.

2- Incorrect Wallet Address:

Issue: One common mistake users make is entering an incorrect wallet address when withdrawing SHIB from an exchange or sending it to their MetaMask Wallet. Sending SHIB to the wrong address can result in permanent loss of funds.

Solution: To ensure accuracy, always double-check the wallet address before initiating any transactions. It’s recommended to copy and paste the wallet address rather than manually typing it to avoid typographical errors. Take the time to verify the first and last few characters of the address to ensure it matches the intended destination.

3- Missing SHIB Tokens in MetaMask Wallet:

Issue: After successfully adding SHIB to your MetaMask Wallet, you may not immediately see the tokens reflected in your wallet balance.

Solution: If you don’t see your SHIB tokens in your wallet, try the following steps:

– Click on the “Add Token” button in your MetaMask Wallet.

– Paste the SHIB token contract address, which can be found on reputable token tracking websites or the official SHIB website.

– Confirm the token details, such as the name (SHIB), symbol, and decimal places.

– Click on the “Add Token” button to add SHIB to your wallet. The tokens should now be visible under the “Assets” tab.

Network Connectivity Issues:

Issue: Connectivity issues can occur when using MetaMask Wallet, preventing you from accessing your wallet or completing transactions.

Solution: If you experience network connectivity issues, try the following steps:

– Check your internet connection and ensure it is stable.

– Refresh the page or restart your browser to resolve any temporary glitches.

– If using the mobile app, ensure you have a stable network connection or try switching to a different network (Wi-Fi or cellular data).

– If the issue persists, you can visit the official MetaMask support website for further troubleshooting steps or contact their support team for assistance.

By being aware of these common issues and their solutions, you can overcome potential hurdles and have a smoother experience when adding SHIB to your MetaMask Wallet. Remember, it’s always important to exercise caution, double-check details, and reach out for support if needed.

How To Add SHiba Inu To Metamask

What is MetaMask?

MetaMask Wallet is a widely used browser extension and mobile application that has become a go-to tool for cryptocurrency enthusiasts. It offers a seamless and secure way to interact with the decentralized world of blockchain and cryptocurrencies. Let’s delve into the key aspects of MetaMask Wallet, its uses, and why it has gained immense popularity among crypto enthusiasts.

Easy Access to the Blockchain

MetaMask Wallet acts as a bridge between your web browser or mobile device and the blockchain, providing a user-friendly interface to navigate the decentralized ecosystem. Here’s why MetaMask Wallet has become a preferred choice for many crypto enthusiasts:

Secure Storage: MetaMask Wallet allows users to store their cryptocurrencies securely. It generates a unique wallet address and private key that only the user has access to, ensuring the safety of their funds. Users retain full control over their assets, eliminating the need to rely on centralized exchanges or third-party custodial services.

Seamless Integration with DApps: Decentralized applications (DApps) are an integral part of the blockchain ecosystem, offering various functionalities such as trading, lending, and gaming. MetaMask Wallet provides a simple way to interact with these DApps, allowing users to seamlessly connect their wallet and participate in a wide range of decentralized activities.

Multi-Chain Compatibility: In addition to its compatibility with the Ethereum blockchain, MetaMask Wallet has expanded its support to other blockchain networks. This means users can connect to different blockchain networks, such as Binance Smart Chain or Polygon, and manage their assets across multiple chains from within the same wallet.

User-Friendly Interface: MetaMask Wallet is known for its intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it accessible to both beginners and experienced users. The wallet’s straightforward design allows users to send and receive cryptocurrencies, view transaction history, manage multiple wallets, and customize their settings with ease.

Why MetaMask Wallet is Popular

MetaMask Wallet has gained immense popularity in the crypto community for several reasons:

Trustworthiness: MetaMask Wallet has established a strong reputation as a reliable and trustworthy wallet provider. With millions of active users, it has proven its reliability and security over time.

Open-Source Nature: MetaMask Wallet is an open-source project, meaning the code is publicly accessible and auditable. This transparency fosters trust and allows the community to contribute to the development and improvement of the wallet.

Browser Integration: As a browser extension, MetaMask Wallet seamlessly integrates with popular web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Brave. This integration makes it convenient for users to access their wallets while browsing the web and interacting with blockchain-based applications.

Strong Community Support: MetaMask Wallet has a vibrant and supportive community of users and developers. The community actively engages in discussions, provides assistance, and shares valuable insights, contributing to the continuous improvement of the wallet and its ecosystem.

In conclusion, MetaMask Wallet is a user-friendly and secure tool that facilitates easy access to the decentralized world of cryptocurrencies and blockchain. With its seamless integration with DApps, multi-chain compatibility, and strong community support, MetaMask Wallet has become a popular choice among crypto enthusiasts. By using MetaMask Wallet, users can take control of their assets, explore various blockchain networks, and engage with the thriving ecosystem of decentralized applications.

metamask logo

What is Shiba Inu (SHIB)?

Shiba Inu (SHIB) has taken the crypto world by storm with its adorable logo and a passionate community of supporters. Let’s take a closer look at what SHIB is all about, its origins, and its relevance in the crypto market.

Origins of Shiba Inu

SHIB is an Ethereum-based cryptocurrency that was created in August 2020 by an anonymous individual or group known as “Ryoshi.” Inspired by the popular Dogecoin (DOGE), SHIB pays homage to the Shiba Inu dog breed, which gained fame as the face of Dogecoin.

Relevance in the Crypto Market

While SHIB started as a meme token, it quickly gained traction and captured the attention of crypto enthusiasts worldwide. Here are some key reasons for its relevance in the crypto market:

1- Vibrant Community: SHIB has fostered a strong and passionate community of supporters. This community actively engages in social media, sharing memes, and creating an inclusive atmosphere for all SHIB holders.

2- Potential for Growth: SHIB has shown remarkable growth potential. Early investors experienced substantial gains, and the token has gained recognition as one of the top meme coins in the crypto space. However, it’s important to note that the crypto market is highly volatile, and investing in SHIB or any other cryptocurrency carries risks.

3- Ecosystem Expansion: Beyond its token value, SHIB has taken steps to build a broader ecosystem. The team behind SHIB has launched projects such as ShibaSwap, a decentralized exchange, and Bone, a governance token. These developments demonstrate the dedication to expanding the utility and use cases of SHIB.

4- Dogecoin Association: The association with Dogecoin, which itself has a strong and loyal following, has played a role in SHIB’s rise to fame. The connection to Dogecoin has created a sense of nostalgia and familiarity among crypto enthusiasts, adding to the appeal of SHIB.

As with any investment, it’s crucial to conduct thorough research and understand the risks involved before investing in SHIB or any other cryptocurrency. The crypto market can be highly volatile, and prices can fluctuate significantly. It’s always recommended to consult with a financial advisor or do your own due diligence to make informed decisions.

In conclusion, Shiba Inu (SHIB) is a meme cryptocurrency that has garnered attention and popularity within the crypto community. With its origins tied to Dogecoin and a passionate community backing it, SHIB has become a notable player in the crypto market. However, it’s essential to approach investments in SHIB or any other cryptocurrency with caution and understanding, keeping in mind the risks and potential rewards.

shiba inu logo


Adding Shiba Inu (SHIB) to your MetaMask Wallet opens up a world of possibilities in the realm of cryptocurrencies. In this comprehensive guide, we have explored the step-by-step process of integrating SHIB into your MetaMask Wallet, empowering you to take control of your SHIB tokens and explore the decentralized finance ecosystem. Let’s recap the key takeaways from this guide:

Seamless Integration: By adding SHIB to your MetaMask Wallet, you can seamlessly connect with decentralized applications, participate in liquidity pools, and engage in various activities within the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem. MetaMask Wallet serves as your gateway to this vibrant and rapidly evolving space.

Secure Asset Storage: MetaMask Wallet provides a secure storage solution for your SHIB tokens. With your private keys stored securely on your device, you have full control over your assets, reducing reliance on centralized exchanges and custodial services.

Community Engagement: Adding SHIB to your MetaMask Wallet also opens the door to the vibrant and passionate SHIB community. Engage with fellow holders, share insights, and stay up-to-date with the latest news and developments in the SHIB ecosystem.

We encourage you to take action and add Shiba Inu to your MetaMask Wallet. By following the step-by-step guide provided, you can confidently navigate the process and tap into the exciting opportunities that SHIB offers.

We value your thoughts and experiences. We encourage you to share your feedback, ask questions, and engage with us in the comments section below. Have you successfully added SHIB to your MetaMask Wallet? Are there any additional tips or insights you’d like to share? Your contributions can help create a vibrant and supportive community around SHIB and MetaMask Wallet.

As always, remember to stay informed, exercise caution when investing in cryptocurrencies, and do your own research. The crypto market is highly volatile, and prices can fluctuate significantly.

Quick tips

The End Words

At Adaas Capital, we hope that by reading this article you will be fully immersed in How To Add SHIB To Metamask! You can help us improve by sharing this post which is published in Adaas Investment Magazine and help optimize it by submitting your comments.


Can I stake Shiba Inu on MetaMask?

To stake your SHIB tokens, you can use Metamask as a wallet to store and manage transactions, but you need some platforms such as Shiba Swap to stake your tokens in their pools!

What is the address of the Shiba Inu token for MetaMask?

Shiba Inu can be transferred in various blockchains, here are the most popular contract addresses:
SHIB on Ethereum: Click Here>
SHIB on Binanance BSC BEP20: Click Here>
SHIB on Polygon: Click Here>

Does MetaMask support SHIB token?

Yes, MetaMask supports the SHIB token. You can easily add and manage SHIB in your MetaMask Wallet by following the steps outlined in this guide for both Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain Blockchains.

Is ShibaSwap safe?

The safety of ShibaSwap, a decentralized exchange built on the Ethereum blockchain, is subject to certain factors. While efforts have been made to enhance security through audits and code transparency, there are inherent risks associated with smart contracts and potential impermanent loss. It is important for users to exercise caution, conduct research, and be aware of personal security measures when interacting with ShibaSwap or any other DeFi protocol.

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1 Comment
  1. Alexander Morgan says

    I appreciate the author’s effort in providing additional resources and references in this blog post. It allowed me to explore the topic further, and I’m grateful for that.

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